Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Working for Vancouver East

I got down to Vancouver on Tuesday 15th and am working for Vancouver East, helping the campaign for Candidate Harvey Grigg for the Conservatives. No access to a computer, so having difficulty posting to my blog, resorting to dictating to Alice over the phone.

Indications are in East Vancouver that the Liberal vote is collapsing and going to our Candidate, and the Chinese vote is swinging our way. Harvey Grigg received a really good reception from the Chinese Community during the Chinese Market this week on Keefer street in Chinatown.

Our main competition, Libby Davies for the NDP, has admitted publically that we are solidly in 2nd place and gaining. Even the Liberal candidate has acknowledged this.

We just put 40,000 flyers in the mail today. I am going to have to go soon because they are closing the Campaign office.

Usually they feed volunteers well during a campaign, but i'm losing weight. Last night they ordered pizza for the volunteers, but right after the pizza arrived another 10 people showed up. Finally got a chance for some kentucky fried today.

We have a dedicated group out here supporting Harvey, and morale is high!

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